Original Post
The Top Free games (productionn quality)
These are all FREE GAMES to play and Download!

Savage 2
Its free to play and Free to download Its great fun.... you used to have to buy it for 20$But not any more check it out it mixes FPS Strategie and Rpg elements in a great Blend Of action and excitement!

Runes of Magic
I was looking for a free MMORPG and this was as good as it gets combining elements of WoW and a few other Games its a good game for a Free Download free to play game... if you are looking for a Free WoW Fix this Remains to be the best one i have found Lol

F.E.A.R Combat
Best free to Download free to play online FPS you can get Production quality Graphics and it beets warock crossfire and all those Crapy online FPS games by a long shot.

Once again used to be a Pay for game now its free to download free to play Great fun as well its kinda a mix between RTS and trading card game (sounds kidna corney atleast i thought but i gave it a try and i love it)
Last edited by KoEDeath; Jun 25, 2009 at 03:49 AM.
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