Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Daily life
Talk about your daily life. What you ate last Wednesday. How constipated you feel at the moment. The time you aced the test on that thing. The awesome nap you took. The time you bought a hat. Like wibblez, but less wibbley and hearts things and things aren't allowed. Like general discussions, but not as general and not about Pandora. Like "show what you ate" but broader and not confined to food.

So guyz, I'm wearing glasses that I almost never wear. I look like an asian nerd :3
Yes 8D
Kay so like I feel awesome cause I'm getting really good at playing the bass cause my asian friend is teaching me how to play.
When I play I look sexy as fuck.
Plus the ladies dig guitar players \o/
I can't play any instruments. Neither do I have any musical talent whatsoever! Woohoo!

Also, I just ate a fruit. Then I gave the rinds to my guinea pigs.
So I drove 400 km today to Uppsala for Uppcon, an anime convention. It starts on friday and lasts until sunday, will be driving the 400 km back home again on monday. :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
I woke up this morning with my friends in my lounge room, they just stayed the night for a Left 4 Dead marathon, we're trying to beat the campaigns on Expert.

After that I tried watching Rango with my family, got too tired, then went to bed, woke up at 11 PM.

I am now eating cold fish 'n' chips, talking on the Toribash forums.
I had aikido class today where I totally failed and things. We had people stand in the middle of the room while everyone else attacked him one by one. Actually they just grab your wrist. Which is an evil attack.
Well. Its Sunday and its 8:16 am and i have nothing better to do. So ill play some mw2. Or go out with friends.
Just wanted to point that out.
And I just went to the beach and saw a random stingray fly outta the water multiple times.
Since I was young I always used to call them fluffys.
Every day before 2 days ago.

Face: idawn'tcaer, no smails from meh.

Every day since 2 days ago.

Face: Smile all the time just for the hell of it.

I look sexier.
Spent the past 2 days at this awesome convention, tomorrow is the last day! :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3