Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Serious]Bad day for Dan
So today was a bad day for me.

Today I found out that my girlfriend has been cheating on me for several weeks.

This news has put me into a minor state of depression, and for the first time I thought about selfharm and suicide, even at my age of 15.

I'm trying to stay strong guys, I'm just going to need you guys because I really have nobody in my life right now that I can trust, and you guys are like family to me.

This also may cause inactivity, ill try and keep you up to date if I remember to.

Edit 1:

•Received a text from her saying "Please stay out of my life now jerk"
I don't know what I'm a jerk for, but this hit me hard. Really hard.

•Havent left my room for around 19 hours, besides toilet and food etch

•Blades and sharp objects have been removed from my room.
Last edited by DanWebb; Mar 30, 2014 at 12:19 PM.
That really sucks.
But dont turn to self harm and suicide, depresion shouldn´t cloud up your mind, come to your senses. Keep strong man, you will get through this.
We're here for you Dan... don't even think about self harm or suicide... just keep strong and you can make it
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
Well you know she isn't right for you now, right?
If you're going to do anything involving self harm, make sure to clean yourself up. Cutting sucks but infections suck more.

Breakups suck, but if you really think about it, getting all upset about them isn't worth it. Now you can find somebody that will treat you better than she did ;o

My fiance suffers from severe depression. Please understand that I understand what you're feeling right now. I know it doesn't feel like it, but these feeling will pass. I know it's hard, but be grateful that you found out about this now instead of later. You are better than she is because she didn't value what a good and wonderful person you are. You are better off without her, as she will only hurt those she is with. It may feel like you want her back, but trust me, you're better off.

Try to stay distracted, stick with your hobbies, and talk to your family. They may not understand right away, and they may even overreact, but remember that these are short-term events and your life is a long-term journey. There will be shit times and there will be times filled with rollercoasters and puppies and ice cream.

If there's anything I can do for you, or you just need someone to rant to, please feel free to message me either in public or private and I'll be happy to talk with you.

May you find the peace you deserve!

You'll pull threw pal you always do there's no point shedding a tear for a slag at least you're gonna have a better love life than here in the future. call me on skype or come visit me I'll buy you a beer ;3

selfharm isn't worth it.. just stick to a hobby.. it's alot safer
"You have every right to be offended, just don't cry when no one cares."
It would be one of the dumbest things you've even thought of the only difference it will make to your life is you will be embarrassed to show your arms in public and have to go to extra length to hide them from your family
