Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Second Failed Activity Check & Pending Removal.
Hi there Aliens, unfortunately you've failed your second activity check. This means that we're looking into making this clan officially dead - this is a courtesy message that we're giving you in case you'd like to discuss re-applying or starting afresh.

We will review your case once again to make sure we're totally justified in removing the clan before we do it, so there may be a change of heart.

For now, good luck in the next steps you decide to take.
collect snots from the nose
Dear Gynx. Let me speak from my heart you little faggot.
If you think that you're cool, you're wrong little peace of shit.
Our clan was founded in 2007. When noone knew about this stupid game.
And noone knows about this stupid game now. So go fuck your little sister right in her little pussy.
Dear Gynx,
Can you please explain what do you mean by "you've failed your second activity check"?
Explain please the criterions of your taking such decisions.
Frankly speaking i do not understand what you really expect to see. Most of us are 20-28 years old, we study and work, some of our members are in the army now.
The main idea of the clan is to develop the international relationship, cooperation and communication. According to this i would like to tell that we correspond that kind of standards. We are quite active in communication on forum.
We all began playing this game long time ago and at that time the game as a whole was norm but nowadays we understand that nothing has hreatly changes and that's why most of us are not active in game. But that doesn't mean that we cannot stay as a clan anymore. Much can be said about lot of such clans ( and the most famous is as we all know MAD) It would be unfair if you close the first russian speaking clan.
Please take this into consideration.

P.S. Астр, убери свой пост иначе забанят за инсалт.
Don't forget to turn the light off
fuck this we are alive

AstraDD i luub ur text

Gynx ur not allowed to close this clan lel we became active as fuck
actually we dont even play this shit if u dont flash up some pretty good clan event with a less shit prize u always got

we just chat here with each other if not on skype or such
Last edited by Marci6; Apr 19, 2015 at 01:59 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Я ничего не буду убирать. Пусть делают, что хотят.
Игра - мертворождённое дитя. Они все инвалиды.
Общаться мы можем вне форума. Стим, например.
полнейший дебилизм...
игра так и осталась на уровне 2007го и они хотят, что бы в неё играли 20 летние дядьки....
так больше всего я не понимаю, с какого перепугу видетели мы инактивные? мы постоянно что-то да обсуждаем и если проверить по мемберам клана, то они очень часто посещают форум.. да, пускай не постят ничего, но посещают и читают...
Да и если уже закрывать то не только нас, 80% русскоязычных кланов фактически инактив....
Don't forget to turn the light off
Do not touch this clan, faggot. Or else I will come to your house and make you eat dog shit.
Лол, рли? Почему-то вообще не ожидал. На секунду выполз с русской ветки, а тут новый клан делитят. Пиздец.
Originally Posted by andrzej18 View Post
Да и если уже закрывать то не только нас, 80% русскоязычных кланов фактически инактив....

Они так и сделали, бтв. Ко мне перекатились ребятки из бтц. Ну, ладно ещё бтц, так там ещё и гангстеры померли, лол.
Last edited by Stets; Apr 20, 2015 at 01:55 PM.
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