Original Post
The Cendo Combo Series
This is a series of small attacks I made. They're simple, yet very effective. They also make some big surprises.

Twin Sword Series
Retracts your swords into small cubes, or, really, just going into grab mode.
Simply click your sword to transform it to grab mode, as cubes. I also recommend contracting both pecs, as you would to do a noob scissor cut. Your hands however, will just stay in front of you. Chances are someone, probably the person you're fighting, will be screaming "NOOB!!", so now you can surprise them. That is, with the next technique:

Extend the swords created with Condenscendo, and impale your enemies.
Click your cube/hand/sword thingies to restore your sword to it's original form. If you contracted your pecs as I said, your swords should impale your enemy in the stomach. Should, because it's all down to distance.

3/21/08-5:14 -6Central: Started; Added Twin Sword Series; Added Condenscendo; Added Extenscendo
3/21/08-6:52 -6Central: Added screenshot for Condenscendo; Added screenshot for Extenscendo
Last edited by Kishgal; Mar 22, 2008 at 12:52 AM.
Double post = fail. Double post + bump = ultra fail. Also no one replied just so it could die. This is the most retarded thread ever, as pretty much everyone knows about it. People will be screaming NOOB if you do this move, not just the grab part, trust me. It's the most common opener in the history of toribash, probably up there with the focker and snap kick. They don't make "big surprises", and are not "very effective".
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.