Original Post
wifi download speed fluctuates from 2.5MB/s to 0
On steam and anything I think, the download speed will reach its peak, then start declining until it's not downloading at all. Then it rises again to the peak of around 2.5MB/s then again falls. Just got a new modem/router. Just went through fucking 4 cox service reps until the last one finally knew what I was talking about when I told them what the fucking problem was myself based on a forum post. The first 2 were clueless and useless. The 3rd one just rerouted me to the 4th guy. Connected directly to it, I'm getting the speed we're supposed to be getting finally. So now finally it isn't cox's fault.

It shouldn't be the modem/router's fault it's brand new, just bought it today. It's a zoom 5352. It did this with our last router too, I think, though with a much lower peak speed. It's only 1 room away, so it shouldn't be a range problem. I guess it could be the amount of wifi devices in the house? There's some power lines running through our backyard, could that be it? The signal is full strength though, it shows. I can't even usually see any other wifi signals around, if I do it's only briefly then disappears again.

I'm pretty confused as to what could make it go almost full speed and then just stop and rise again over and over. help

edit: I put my computer in the dmz. Now download speeds are full what we should be getting. It's still fluctuating form the max of 7MB/s down to 0. Over and over. Here's a picture.

Any idea what's causing this?
Last edited by isaac; Jan 3, 2014 at 03:09 AM.
Click win+r, type "resmon", tab to network. From there you can sort the processes and see if any are using your bandwidth.

At a guess I'd say because you are torrenting.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff

Up down up down up down.... Utorrent in the first screenshot wasn't downloading anything.

It does the same to max speed back to 0 and then max again, whenever I throttle the max speed steam can use as well. If I set it to 1MB/s, then it goes up to 1MB/s then quickly drops to 0 again and back.

I am certain it is not the laptop itself. At my dad's house, it doesn't do this. Same isp, but a level down.

Thanks for the help btw.

edit: I don't remember if I've already said, but I tested it connected with ethernet, and the download stays at full speed just fine. When I was a foot from it, over wifi it was still doing its stupid pogo stick thing. There are quite a few settings in the router that can be changed. I'll put some screenshots of the most relevant screens up in a bit.

edit^2: radio
primary network
access control
WMM It does it when this is enabled as well.

edit: I just realized I was basing my conclusion almost entirely from steam downloads. Torrents stay at a stable speed. I suspect other downloads probably work as well. I'm willing to chalk this up to steam being a fuck, but if you have any further insight it'd be appreciated.

edit again: But I just remembered that steam downloads fine over ethernet. So it must be something wrong with the wifi right? Even when I was a foot away from it, it was fluctuating like that...
Last edited by isaac; Jan 4, 2014 at 05:03 AM.