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Uke colors
i need to make uke's force pure how do i do that and where kind i find the list of color codes to put in uke's item.dat
nope not that when you go into your customs folder then go to uke's folder there is something that says Item.dat when you open that in note pad there is a line that says "FORCOL" then there's a bunch of 0's next to that i need to know what to replace the 0's with to get pure instead of the default color
Originally Posted by SruX View Post
nope not that when you go into your customs folder then go to uke's folder there is something that says Item.dat when you open that in note pad there is a line that says "FORCOL" then there's a bunch of 0's next to that i need to know what to replace the 0's with to get pure instead of the default color

This may help