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Is toribash Chinese or Japanese?
I'm a bit confused on what toribash is based off of, The name Uke [ooky] is Japanese for training dummy or something like that but a lot of the names of mini-games are Chinese like wushu. So is it Chinese or Japanese? correct me if I'm wrong.
Based off the mod names itself?
Judo based from Judo
Mushu based from Mushu
Aikido based from Aikido
etc etc

Maybe its both but I dont think it is based on something jist fighting and different mods.
tori and uke are japanese terms from judo, hampa used to practice judo

Toribash is not chinese or japanese, but it uses judo terminology.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I talked to hampa before and he said that when it was first made, Toribash was supposed to be a Judo simulator.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Yeah, I've heard the term 'uke' used in aikido and judo. So it's not really based off of Chinese or Japanese arts.
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Originally Posted by PandaHero View Post
Based off the mod names itself?
Judo based from Judo
Mushu based from Mushu
Aikido based from Aikido
etc etc

Maybe its both but I dont think it is based on something jist fighting and different mods.

Hmm.i think Wushu based from wushu,Mushu is broken wushu mod i think

So It may be All over The world game