Original Post
How many of you actually know about this?
In 1915, The Ottoman Empire tried to wipe out the Armenian race. Approximately

1.5 millions Armenians were massacred and many others were deported. Yet it

has been 97 years and Turkey still denies this. Not many people in the world

know about this, but we are trying to make the world open its eyes. Hitler said

"Who now remembers the Armenians?" If we don't correct the flaws of history, it

is bound to repeat itself, just like the Jewish Holocaust or the genocides in


This was the best link I could find, you can just google it for yourself if you want other links.
Purity Of Essence
I knew about that the ottoman empire I believe also had somethign when a bunch of people wanted to be king they would battle it out to the death.
#1 Student in the School of Orkology
Orko|Rob9722|Festus|MRootz|UNDEAD21|Deadlybash|Kun amikaii|
As far as I know they thought that one day we might rebel and they would lose 1/3 of Asia Minor, which we occupied.
Purity Of Essence
system of a down wrote some songs about this

Free TC!

I fell as if i'm un-wanted *Look's at user name*

Yes I do beilive that SOAD did do a song to this.
Rythm smells like Cheese
I've actually never heard about this, thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Should keep me interested for a few days while I research it.
Back for good.