Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Origin] Skill's Rank System
~Skill's Rank System~
to you from WeppetKo

Hey Origins, Zeus approved my idea, we can finally start this. Now we have a new rank system in our clan! It will be based only on our ingame skills, behaviour while fighting and activity. Do your best, punch, streak and dismember. You will climb those ranks and reach the top as a Knight of the Round.

Have fun!

Initial votes(CLOSED)

We need to give initial positions to every member. Before voting, read requirements for each rank! The actual rank doesn't count, doesn't count who is leader, co leader, freshman... We are all the same in front of this rank system! Vote who you think that fits the requirements for a certain rank. If someone asks you to vote himself, it's a good reason not to vote him.

This is the explanation about how you can vote.

  • Every member can be voted, except trials and unranked.
  • Votes are anonymous.
  • You can't vote yourself.
  • Every member can be voted only for one rank.
  • Every member that wants to vote, will send a PM to WeppetKo with list of votes.
  • Every member can write a max of 4 Knights of The Round.
  • Every member can write a max of 8 Lord Protectors.
  • If you want to be in Strategists of the Council, add it at the end of the list.

Every member that has more than two votes for a certain rank will have a possibility to be in that rank. After, votes will be counted and will be decided who goes in each rank.

To prove that I'll not scam anyone about final votes, i'll provide screenshots of PMs that I received censoring who sent the PM.

The period to vote will be 1 week.

Unranked and trials can't vote, they haven't enought experience with the clan.

Requirements and short explanation of each rank:

Knights of the Round (five)

They represent what our clan can do. Each of them will have a number (Knight of One, Knight of Two, ...).

  • most skilled players in the clan, so they have to be there not only because you saw them making an epic game, or a cool decap
  • active ingame for wars/bet servers/training servers
  • good attitude while fighting, this means not acting like a dumbass, avoiding rage moments, respecting opponents and clan members during wars
  • Knights of the Round's final goal is the improvement of the clan, the supremacy of Origin

Lord Protectors (eleven)

They represent our army for wars, the most active part of it. Lord Protectors fill servers with [Origin] and give an important help to the clan to reach the top.

  • good skills
  • active ingame
  • avaiable for wars and clan events

Strategists of the Council

They help the clan with organization, recruitment and other aspects that don't necessarily require to be active ingame (read the end of the post to understand better this rank).

  • be active only or mainly on forum, remember that the clan has to feel your presence

Ancient Solidiers

They aren't necessarily bad ingame, Ancient Solidiers are people who play occasionally. They could be not so active or completely inactive.

  • here there is all the rest of the clan, except trials and unranked members.

Dynamics of the System:

I'll start from negative things.

How to get demoted from...

...Knights of the Round

  • being inactive ingame for more than a week without a valid reason, this doesnt mean that you can't go on holiday, repair your pc, stay with your family... Just tell us the reason why you are inactive and for how much time.
  • starting to have a negative attitude, this means starting to act with superiority with people who has a lower rank. In this way you will only damage the clan.
  • generally not respecting requirements.

...Lord Protectors

  • being inactive for more than 3 weeks without a valid reason (same as before)
  • losing interest for the clan

From every position, if you start to be inactive ingame, but still active on forum, you will be moved to Strategists of the Council; if you are completely inactive, or you play a game every while, to Ancient Solidiers. I'll explain better Strategists of the Council's role at the end.

IMPORTANT:if you get demoted, this doesnt mean that you can't return to the rank you were in.

How to get promoted

Nothing much to say, just look at requirements written before. I'm fast on this, but here it comes the most important part.

Vote system

Here it comes the vote system!

So, as you just red, there are certain requirements for each rank. We need a way to check if those are respected. So i thought about a vote system that involves everyone.

Here, in this thread, you can express doubts and ask questions obviously, but you can report people too, positive/negative reports or self-reports. You can write them in the thread or by a PM to a council member so you can be anonymous.

Self Reports: if you think to have all the requirements written before for a certain rank, then you can post in the thread a kind of app, where you write an explanation of how you think to be improved and other things that could help you to rank up.

Positive Reports: this type of report is for other players of the clan that you think should rank up. As for self-report, write reasons.

Negative Reports: this is obviously the opposite of positive reports. This kind of reports need proofs of what you are saying, or your report will be weaker; for example provide some screenshot of chat if someone pretends to be superior to you only for rank. Don't report only because you want a free spot in a rank, or this will be negative for you.

If the report you have sent is well explained and well contributes to decisions, Council will keep it in positive consideration. Infact it shows that you care about the clan and his organization.

The council will meet once every month to sum up all reports received and decide judging every request.

A list with all actual ranks and positions will be posted on our clan page and here, so everyone can know the position of every member.

Last thing to point out is Strategists of the Council's rank. It's a special rank, different from others; you don't have to suggest to promote or demote someone from this rank. If you don't want to play anymore, but you still love the clan from forums, you can ask to be a Strategist of the Council. If you are a Strategist of the Council and you return to play, you will be moved to Ancient Solidiers, to start your climbing between ranks. Don't ask to be a Strategist of the Council if you are going on holiday or if your pc is broken. This rank is for who helps the clan only or mainly from forum, this isn't a temporary place for occasional inactivities ingame. If you are a Strategist of the Council, doesn't mean that you can't play ingame sometimes.


EDIT: i place this here to avoid misunderstandings:

As i explained in idea's thread, this rank system wont influence in any way what you can or what you can't do inside the clan. It won't request any work from your part. All jobs will remain the same, it won't change anything by this point of view. This is actually a way to classify ingame skills of our fighters and to motivate Origin to increase his skills during matches.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Mar 8, 2015 at 12:46 PM.
I'm guessing this is an in-game thing?
as if none of these ranks are in the actual clan ranking.
self proclaimed lurker and stalker
Originally Posted by Foxire View Post
I'm guessing this is an in-game thing?
as if none of these ranks are in the actual clan ranking.

As i explained in idea's thread, this rank system wont influence in any way what you can or what you can't do inside the clan. It won't request any work from your part. All jobs will remain the same, it won't change anything by this point of view. This is actually a way to classify ingame skills of our fighters and to motivate Origin to increase his skills during matches.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Jan 13, 2015 at 09:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by -Demon View Post
Wait so can i say i want to apply for Knights of the Round....


This phase comes after only after the initial votes. Firstly we need to have initial position of each member, so you can follow first paragraph and send your vote.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Jan 13, 2015 at 01:48 PM.
Disappointing I can't vote
Remember where you came from
Join Origin Apply Here
illuminati: "You got mad followers Redd"
Zeus: "He's the shit"

Originally Posted by oOMEGLES View Post
Disappointing I can't vote

This is because you are new in the clan, you can't know every member's skills.
This is also true. I know a few of those that are relatively active.
Remember where you came from
Join Origin Apply Here
illuminati: "You got mad followers Redd"
Zeus: "He's the shit"