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yo well on december 13th KISS one of the best !#$^ing bands is comming and on a personal level they are still great!!! tell me what u think of em and wat the best song is. the amazing things is to think that all great punk butt bands always break up, but wen u think of KISS u can see they still haven't and they are the best.

kiss rockz
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
I don't think KISS was ever the best band in the world. Maybe the biggest in the 70's but not the best. i like them alot though. i was going to go see them live a few weeks ago but i had an unfortunate change of plans. their 70's albums will always be their best in my opinion. though i must say Sonic Boom was quite good for a band that hasn't made an album in 11 years, and considering the fact Psycho Circus sucked ass.
well for me i think their best song is detroit rock city
i mean realy they made a freaking movie about kiss with my favorite song's title on the movie and it was about freaking kiss man.!!!
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
I don't like them that much. Their music to me gets a bit samey, but then again maybe i haven't heard enough of their songs.
Gene Simmons' cow tongue is pretty fuckin' cool. He is also a really sick bassist. Not quite as good as Matt Snell (Five Finger Death Punch bassist) but he was still great. My favorite Kiss song is Detroit Rock City. It's a good song to listen to.
RAI is like now the cooliest user on this thred ever detroit roc city rulez!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs