Original Post
My 1,500th post.
I've decided to make it EPIC.

So, what I'm going to do for my 1,500th post, is I'm going to reflect on the past and my events I've had here at Toribash, and the good and bad times I've had.

1) My arrival.

I arived at Toribash in December of 2007, fond of the game and I decided to join the forums to hang with the other members and join the community.

2) Triforce

Triforce has been the HUGEST part of my time here at Toribash. You guys are EPIC WIN. I remember recruiting many members, like Carrick and DesertPunk, who became CLAN LEADER for some time. I remember when I joined, and then I thought it was alright to clanhop, and I nearly got kicked. I really effed up then. xD

2b) My leave

When I left Triforce for a year, I left a lot behind. I left along with Gamer, who no longer plays Toribash, and is an amazing person and one of my best friends. I can't believe I ever left, and I finally realized the error of my ways and I'm so happy you took me back. I love it here, you guys have made my stay here the best as it can get. I would turn down a MAD invitation to stay here.

3) A turn for the worse

I remember when I got framed by Milkyshake, and then banned. I was suspected for taking his items, when that wasn't true. I wan't even on the day it happened - and THANK GOD Jarmund helped me out. I owe him a huge debt. I also owe the entire Triforce clan a debt - you all posted that I didn't deserve the ban and I was unfortunately banned. So many people protested against my ban and got me unbanned and I love you all for it (not in a sex love but like, friend, brother love). You are EPIC.

4) Today

I conclude this with the fact that I have returned to Toribash PERMANENTLY and will always be a proud member of Triforce.

Thanks so much, guys.

[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
Originally Posted by Owned674
I also owe the entire Triforce clan a debt

You can pay it with toricredits

Also, congratz on your 1500th post
Retired Player
Originally Posted by Owned674 View Post
I remember recruiting many members, like Carrick and DesertPunk

uh first of all owch you left my name off that list

secondly congrats on ub3r probably should have done something cool like this for my 1500th post
Now with 100% less angst