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How to compile a C++ Project?
I am having many trouble compiling a OpenSource game called ASSAULT CUBE.

Ok , I downloaded the source folder and edited a file (source/src/clientgame) and then I complied the file , when I execute the game , NOTHING CHANGES!

Should I give more information? Please post here a answer.
If nothing's changing, it should either be giving you some errors when you compile it, or you may be editing the wrong file. I can't say for sure what the problem is though.

Checking for compile errors is always a good place to start. Otherwise do what gorman said, make some more obvious changes to the code to test you're editing the right file.
If you have never programmed before, then I would suggest to start smaller and learn how it all works. Sometimes it takes more changes than just changing a simple number in one location. normally you have to worry about the getters and the setters to make sure the information is getting around correctly.

Based on your language you may need to adjust how it is compiled, if you do have a makefile, then you need to find that and edit it accordingly as well. Programming isn't all about simply taking some words and making it look logical. you need to know the syntax and how it all works. Occasionally one variable can be defined in multiple locations, based on what the value needs to be in that particular location.