Original Post
Most body parts thrown (archery)
From any distance above 500
Dismemberment 100
Hit uke with any body part, doesn't matter where it hits.
Record is 5
Re: Most body parts thrown (archery)
What are the rules for moving Uke, because uh ... I can do this.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Re: Most body parts thrown (archery)
you can move him if you want, but it would look more.. pro if you barely moved him, at least had him stationary like what I did.
Re: Most body parts thrown (archery)
More pro throwing wise. Less pro movement wise. As it was with orbital punch, I threw my fist through no fewer than 10,000 cm worth of arc, and that's a really low estimate. :P

Incidentally, your replay is awesome, Luci. I'm just being a pain because it's important for the rules to be well defined. I'm not actually shooting for this record.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Re: Most body parts thrown (archery)
Yeah you're right though. Perhaps I can rule that you can move uke once, and only once. To keep him upright and/or archable