Original Post
[Activity Raise]Your dreams
Too raise activity here I made a new thread wooooo.

So tell us about you're dreams. The places you imagine of, the creations you make there, etc. So I believe we can share our dreams get to know each other.

EDIT:-I'll think of a dream later :-P.
Last edited by Shiko; May 7, 2010 at 05:27 PM.
Hmm, last night I dreamt I was in school and it was attacked by swarms of zombies D:s
master of the universe
last night i dreamt i raped virtue, oh wait, that wasnt a dream \/

Lawl, joke, but really, i dreamt i got expelled from school, because i stabbed someone, then i got put in prison, then i got into loads of fights..then i cant remember much after that.
Wait, what
Lol'd at both assassin8r and Virtue.

Yesterday I dreamed I was the Joker in Batman Dark Knight. I won this time though.
I had a dream my friend stole noodles from a store, then he tried to cook them in school so then the school caught on fire and we had to leave.
Last edited by LilTerror; May 16, 2010 at 02:39 PM.
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