Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I will leave PsY! D:
Activity check bitches!

you know what to do e.e so many inactivity out there!

you have till monday...

Dei -
Tay -
Alex -
Shrimp -
Last edited by Moomin; Aug 10, 2012 at 06:23 PM.
You should establish a time.
Eg, if someone don't post within 2 days get kicked, etc.

Also, I guess it is "I will leave", not "I will left"
Activity check this week?
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
Onda, I wouldve quit the game if you left the clan.......... DONT DO THAT SHIZZLE!
[TGS] Forever!
Velo's #1 BoyFanFriend!
Need To Get In Touch? Nyce#0394 on Discord!
hey onda, about my inactivity, well dont ghet me wrong but its just not the right time for me to be active now maby in a week or so il be back home. I can be active then but not now sorry :/