Original Post
Attenion Judo league, war has been declared on you by OLDA. You have two choices, either surrender now or fight. If you choose to fight, please let us know by posting in our org wars thread on the OLDA board. The rules of battle are listed below.

Anyone participating in the war must wear an OW*orgname* in front of their clan tag (or in place of a clan tag) while in game, this way we know who is from where, and that they are participating.

Rival players can do duels, or single matches in regular servers. Each win will be worth 30 TCs and at the end of the war the wins will be tallied and payments will be made. It will be up to each org to keep track of their wins(most likely by making a thread for them to be listed), and it is recommended that players take screen caps or save the replay of each win, any win that is disputed and does not have a screencap or replay to back it up will be thrown out to avoid any useless arguing.

If a person is in more than one org, they must represent ONLY ONE in game and stick to that one during the entire war. No switching, so pick the one you want to rep.

The war will go for a month, but at any time an org can surrender.

Their can be alliances, but their can be only one winning org. In the event of a tie their will be a week long final battle.

The winning org is the one with the most wins at the end of the month and gets to feel cool.

The TCs for the win should be provided by individual players, though if someone needs a spot you should be nice and give it to them
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Yourface is pointless.

No, thanks for the heads up. This is a blanket war, so I was bound to hit a few dead spots.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I wanna fight !
I can fight against the wholle OLDA if you want :o
Toriolympics - 2nd place | Fr_Death Leader |ORMO Member |