Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Role Playing Concept (WiP)
Concept focus is the 13~ stats and stat points leveling systems.
(link to complete set of notes and calculations, charts, and descriptions)
MOST role playing games offer four to six stats... your HP, magic, attack, defense. sometimes maybe you have speed and dexterity too. or a mix of them but still only 4.

I've spent years considering a lot more stats than strength, speed, constitution, and dexterity.

I have an algorithm for calculating outputs for attack and defense, turn rates, and more that has been under construction for little over 4 years now.

I'm seeing if i cant generate a little interest in this and maybe get some help. TBH this is not a one man job. i mean, unless im god, then by all means, pray for me a miracle!

In the meantime, here's a little sneak peek at my extended race selection, 20 element system, and 13 (and growing) stats:

RPG tidbits

element chart (huge)

I've borrowed heavily from celtic, gaelic, irish, norse, greek, roman, egyptian, mesopotamian, hindu, daoist, and native american philosophies, mythologies, and hostories.

They've all got a great world tree, a great deluge, deities/spirits, and dragons

There's more math in this RPG than an entire six years of middleschool ( pun intended)
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
i find it wierd that no one has commented on this yet anyway this could be a very unique and cool idea
It's a large, infinitesimal, project... i dont expect a lot of commentary or interest because it is a lot to take on at once. its kind of like when toribash first started out - a lot of stuff to learn. a lot.

What i need, however, for testing purposes, is a program that can calculate my algorithms for me, instead of making me grab a calculator and spend an hour just on calculating level up bonuses.

It'll take a long time before i even compile my EXISTING notes. i have thoughts and ideas i havent even written down yet that havent been refined or addressed.

My primary focus has been the 13~ and growing~ stats, and the 20 element system.
I am particular about my elements. i am not prideful, but definitely proud of the charts.
20 elements, they seem to organically relate to one another perfectly - not even intentionally - and harmonize well.

and i have a chart somewhere that expanded on the tetragrams i was trying to translate in relation to my elements.
You'll see some duograms representing Body, earth, Gravity, and Magnetism on the element chart i posted in the spoiler, and 4 black/white dots representing the other 16 elements - those are the tetragrams.

Toribash will never be an RPG

If you want to actually read up on all the concepts i have compiled to my blog, i'd love to hear what yo uthink of the whole thing so far. just keep to remembering its a work in progress. anything could be changed as inspiration demands :3
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Hey, this doesn't really fit into the art board and would work better in the Gaming subsection of the Off-topic board. You won't reach your target audience here so I'll move the thread there now.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Well, you have a lot of data but I'm not hearing all that much about your core systems. For example you have 13 stats, but what is considered high, what is considered low, what is considered average? Is 10 a high amount of strength? Is 1000? Does a normal human have 1 strength? 50 strength? How many stat points do you get in a level? Can you get them from other means? What is max level? How long does it take to level up? Does your game even have a level up system? Speed and str govern unarmed damage rates, but what about when wielding? What governs knives, swords, hammers, bows, staves, guns (if there's AI and cyborgs I'm guessing there's guns)? How is damage dealt? How does defense work? What's the philosophy behind skill or ability usage? How do you control the character? There are many questions that need to be answered before I can get an idea about how this game is actually played.

(I laters scrolled down far enough to see '13 points per level / no more than 5 in 1 stat', but I still don't see anything about how hard it is to level up, or what base stats are, or max level, etc. Is lvl 30 max?)

At the moment you have a lot of ideas but not much in the way of working systems, I would suggest trying to work in an incremental way (all modern development is incremental now days). So break it down to a very small amount, maybe 1 race, cut the stats back to a core group, cut down the number of classes to a handful, use only 1 elemental tier. After you have a working core concept (or even core game if you want to go that far) gradually add in more.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Well, you have a lot of data but I'm not hearing all that much about your core systems. For example you have 13 stats, but what is considered high, what is considered low, what is considered average? Is 10 a high amount of strength? Is 1000? Does a normal human have 1 strength? 50 strength? How many stat points do you get in a level? Can you get them from other means? What is max level? How long does it take to level up? Does your game even have a level up system? Speed and str govern unarmed damage rates, but what about when wielding? What governs knives, swords, hammers, bows, staves, guns (if there's AI and cyborgs I'm guessing there's guns)? How is damage dealt? How does defense work? What's the philosophy behind skill or ability usage? How do you control the character? There are many questions that need to be answered before I can get an idea about how this game is actually played.

(I laters scrolled down far enough to see '13 points per level / no more than 5 in 1 stat', but I still don't see anything about how hard it is to level up, or what base stats are, or max level, etc. Is lvl 30 max?)

At the moment you have a lot of ideas but not much in the way of working systems, I would suggest trying to work in an incremental way (all modern development is incremental now days). So break it down to a very small amount, maybe 1 race, cut the stats back to a core group, cut down the number of classes to a handful, use only 1 elemental tier. After you have a working core concept (or even core game if you want to go that far) gradually add in more.

Humans are the core race. the "blank template" so to speak. everything is tested with the human template, and built from there.

However, once complete, the humans will be given appropriate racial stats to their dexterity and intelligence. maybe something else. applicable.

I am glad you've shown an interest. your questions are all very important, valid, and some are answered on notes that... i... need to find....

...you have 13 stats, but what is considered high, what is considered low, what is considered average?
It's intended to be an organic construct, so that is a question that regards more to the race than the stats, but in regard to the stats, "average" will be addressed "by level", which will be better explained by answering another question of yours...

Is 10 a high amount of strength? Is 1000?
everyone starts at level 0 with "4 levels of stat points" available to distribute to their fresh character.

upon completion, automatic level up and levelup bonus to level 1.

let's say you get 13 stat points per level, that's 52 stat points at level 0 to 1.
52 stat points at level 0, and the levelup bonus upon completion, which is all your stat outputs added to the number of stat points spent in each stat respectively.

Does a normal human have 1 strength? 50 strength?
each race will have expenditures and bonuses to stat spending.

How many stat points do you get in a level?
other way around.
Stat points are generally awarded by XP gain, instead of levels.
A level is gained when 13 stats have been spent, upon spending the thirteenth.

Can you get them from other means?
Work in progress, but it is intended to be possible through exercises, training routines, and quest events.

What is max level?
The intent is to have none, but to also create a stats balance that if your stats become too imbalanced, you can wind up dying.
Kind of like contorting against the inertia in toribash and self-splitting your torso, imbalanced stats will cause degradation to your character - but none of that has been so little as touched. there are no charts or algorithms for it yet.

How long does it take to level up?
Given the nature of the life/death cycle i plan to implement, i dont want it to be hard to level up. i want it to be hard to remain alive.

Does your game even have a level up system?
it revolves around the 13 stats and spent stat points.

Speed and str govern unarmed damage rates, but what about when wielding? What governs knives, swords, hammers, bows, staves, guns (if there's AI and cyborgs I'm guessing there's guns)?

I'd imagine dexterity was the larger contributor to melee weapons, as well as combined with agility and accuracy to deal with manual ranged weapons.

Firearms are mostly a matter of composite stats like perception and accuracy.

How is damage dealt? How does defense work?
i dunno yet.... that's a blindspot for me. dicerolls and random factors and such... i figured it's largely pitting the attack of the one player versus the defense of the other, and compensating for armor and weapon augmentations...

What's the philosophy behind skill or ability usage?

How do you control the character?
until i get this thing anywhere else, it's a verbal/pen+paper RPG... i have no experiemce with that stuff so i have no clue.

I'd like to get a programmer interested in collaborating, and then maybe i can answer some of these questions better...

I still have a lot of notes that havent been compiled to my blog, and i still have a lot of ideas i havent written down to sort out better.

I still dont know how to deal with this project, but im not stopping either.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
Originally Posted by sSLight View Post
cool stuff, i can see how incomplete it is, though.
how much xp would you need to gain before you gain a stat point?

Firstly is the character creation.

Experience points are awarded for various tasks and quests. Stat points are awarded for filling your exp, completing quests, and performing applicable exercises which grant specific stat points like Int, Vit, Luk, Stm, or Wit.


The whole thing was an idea, a blur, hastily written down in segments one night in front of the fire place...... It started out with the 13 stats over a decade or two ago but was forgotten until that night...

I jotted down the chinese 5 elements, and the western 4, and began attempting to integrate them and philosophically refined them until i came about twenty different elements under four tiers of five elements... I researched some norse and egyptain mythos and added spiritual patron guardians to the elements and deities to the tiers.

In one night i had accomplished an entire chart (the one shared in OP was a re-draw of the original chart in fact) with an intuitive balance of the elements.

and i found a lot of intuitive relations that i didnt do deliberately with the element cycles, and another uniquity: The metal, lightning, magnetism triad.

While many argue that magnetism and electricity are the same exact thing, i tend toward the expressions themselves, rather than the makeup.

And so from that 20 element chart, i didnt know why i had it or what to do with it, but the following month was a series of similar hasty rough drafts for the 13 stats algorithm (first time math was applied to the stats, plus to determine outputs), carrying weights, sizes, dimensions, capacities, limitations, and methods, approximately 20 playable races - one of which is made up of 5 subspecies, and a list of weapon types, armor types, accessories and their limitations, and a list of monsters - most of which are unique creations of my own imagination.

my blog is slowly getting filled up with compiled nots, and moy notebooks are slowly getting filled up with scribbles, drawings, notes, and story content.

What i really need is a means of testing the stats system - but to do that i need to finish the stats and devise an actual usage formula, which.... well im friggin clueless.

Dicerolls FTW.
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.
You have a lot of missing information in terms of how you plan to develop this.
I'd be interested in this project as a means of practice (CS in AI student) but you'd have to get a plan going.

PM me if you want to talk about it

As for your formula to test it's quite easily programmable, write an algorithm on paper and work through it with different examples.
Last edited by souldevilj; Nov 1, 2015 at 04:04 PM.
i've got a lot of missing information to calculate, like how Charisma works, if its intrinsic (stats) or if it's composite (outputs).

Appearance is both intrinsic and composite, what do i do with that? Probably tie it into Vitality, because that one is also intrinsic and output as it is the most defining force of HP.

I have barter/trade/haggle to consider, and a lot of skills/abilities that have not even been addressed on paper, much less in calculation.

Literally this is a team job, and i have done about 20 years' work in my head, and about 8 years of work on paper.

Uhhhh.... when did i first publish my "world in progress" page?

Anyways, it's something that i have a working story for, several in fact, and complete comprehension of the direction the gameplay is geared to go, but i am still working out a billion kinks as to how to make the characters as organic and lifelike as possible internally. i havent even considered visual appearance or graphical integration yet - which are intrinsically necessary if i can get what i want out of this!

Particle Physics
COMPLETELY interactive 3-D environment
Realistic, immersive, and believable unscripted AI, rendering, Creative Role Playing system


I'm getting way ahead of myself - i only have an incomplete algorithm for calculating HP, HP regen, Wisdom, Spirit, Mana, Mana regen, Physical and Magical attack and defense, evasion, perception, accuracy, and endurance.

I havent fully integrated each of these stats into a single character as a functional mechanic yet.

I only know that these each correspond to character-environment interaction mechanics very specifically between one another, and integrally amongst one another.

I'd had and may still have notes regarding weapon sizes and weights and carrying requirements... Not everything could be kept on your person if your bags were not the right sizes or shapes. i took 3-D space into strong consideration while designing weapons.

Requirements for str, dex, and stm for weilding certain weapons, and requirements for int, wit, dex, and agi for others. and other combinations, in regard to the type of weapon.

An entirely relative fucking game... T_T im tired...
SuicideDo, the Brewtal Drunken Immortal.