Original Post
Will this make the mod multiplayer?
-removed mods-
Here are some of my mods. Or mods to mods.
Last edited by Echoforce; Jul 18, 2011 at 07:02 AM.
my shop. pawn shop.
Right so, As legitimate as this thread seems it needs a few things. First off, Next time you need to read the rules.
You broke the following rules:
Originally Posted by Mod Tag Rules
4. Tags: When posting a new thread in the Mods section, you will begin your thread with one of the following tags:
[REL] - Release
[WIP] - Work in Progress
[MP] - Mod pack
[POC] - proof of concept
If your thread does not have a tag it will be assumed that you did not read the rules and your thread will be locked and mod removed.

Originally Posted by Mod Thread Content Rules
5. When posting a new mod the following requirements must be included:
• A brief description of the mod you are posting.
• The Mod itself (through attachments only).
• A screenshot of the mod in action.
If the above requirements are not met, you will be given 24 hours to fix it or your mod will be removed and your thread locked.

Originally Posted by Mod Naming Rules
1. Mod name: Do not title the mod with anything unnecessary in the beginning i.e. "0", "[", "(", or anything else to make the mod appear at the top of the list. Remove it before uploading the mod. Don't name it "1.tbm", "mymod.tbm", "test.tbm", "[yournamehere]smod.tbm", or anything like that. Don't put your name in the mod title, if you want your name in it, open the .tbm and put it inside the mod. Don't use spaces in your mod title, use "-" or "_". If you do not follow this simple rule, your mod will be removed, and you will be asked to re-upload it with a proper name.
Edit by Jarmund: I just removed around 10 mods that didn't follow this rule, so obviously i will need to continue to do so until people get the point

Considering this is also a question, You need to post those here. Next time please read the rules. Closing thread and removing the mods.
(To answer your question, No, You must upload the mods here in order to allow multiplayer functionality.)