Original Post
Suggest a mod for me to make
Hello, I've been making a few mods, but I would like some ideas for good mods. If you have one post here and if I like it, I'll make it.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

hmmmm, try a mod where.... you are hurled headfirst at uke at speeds that wont rip ur body inhalf or anything, but launch you super quick head first, whilst contained in a box you must ecscape b4 dying.

so basically, tori is surounded by a box (with one side open) (small box only enough to fit his body) then he is launched at Uke(who also is launched inside a box) and they go headfirst so like |_| <--- box but rotate it to the right one turn. |= <--- so its like that then uke and tori are in those launched at each other!
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
a mod with like trucks that actually look kinda like trucks that crash into each other
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
You should have posted your "tell me what mod to make" post in THIS THREAD

I'm looking forward to some new mods though!
Last edited by Gamerbad; Jul 3, 2011 at 01:32 PM.
Helge Sverre - System Developer