Original Post
[B] [S] [T] Everything✔ ♚Laced♚

Hello everyone and welcome to my shop. I buy & Sell everything from Ingame currencies (Items & Tc) to PayPal USD (Buying & Selling Tc) Please Review the Rules of the thread, and thanks for stopping by.

1: When offering Tc Please either P.m Me with the information or post below with how much you're selling and the rate of which you're selling At. NOTE: i only buy in bulk.
2: When offering items, please state the item of which you're selling & the desired amount of Tc to purchase the item off of you.
3:When buying off of me, please state the desired item and how much you're willing to pay for it.
4: Please no useless posts, spam, or irrelevant offers.
5. --Reserved

Im currenty buying anything within my TC & QI

Currently Selling everything in my deactivated !!!

I am ALWAYS buying tc, please shoot me a p.m Or post below. (Read Rules)
I am ALWAYS selling tc aswell. I sell tc at 10k/1$ Via Paypal ONLY (Please p.m me for more info or post below regarding Tc.)

I will fix this when I have some transactions, sorry.

Read if You're an artist

Yes I know transactions is spelled wrong lmao I'll fix it tomorrow

Thanks to F4R3 For the banners Aug 28 - ? ? ?
Last edited by Laced; Aug 31, 2015 at 06:05 AM.
Originally Posted by WeooWeoo View Post
What are you buying?

Everything, sorry about that. fixed the thread.

Originally Posted by 1Tap View Post
Selling just deal with it glasses offer?

Sure, how much are you looking for man ?