Original Post
My friend recently posted this thread in my friend's little forum
(I'm not part of their forum my friend just linked me to what happen)
I'll just show you how it started :I
Also i won't be naming person being bullied

Originally Posted by Yuan!
everyone was bullying him.

yuan, you wanna fight me?
a punch will be coming to the stomach next time you see me.
this time noone will be stopping me.

Originally Posted by dark.tofu
dont piss him off. its not very nice.

Originally Posted by Yuan!
its the truth. was there another reason?

Here's the huge post that the guy being bullied made. (He made this post about yesterday)
ok w.e
does that fucking make you feel better yuan?
does it make you feel good just from making fun of someone everyday since the start of 2010 while having a white assed asian backing you up everytime, everyday. Just for fucking shits and laughs because he's small, he looks like michael, becaause he's bruce?
look go get a life and stop playing CA at home.
someday i will stop bottling up all these insults and let it all out.
yes i admit it i am fucking being bullied.
do people make fun of me because i'm asian and dumb?
do people make fun of me because i'm tanned?
no i don't know fucking why.
I have been bullied in grade 8,9 and 10
in grade 8-9 it was Roger and Simon who bullied me until i lashed out at Roger and grabbed his neck while trying to stop myself from smashing his head onto the table in PCL. Yuan has seen me do this in PCL once. and i hope you know if you try to piss me off i'll do the same thing without thinking about the consequences of smashing your head against the edge of the table.
Well, i'm going to admit it now. I am fucking trying to cope with bullying, stress and school at the same time. It's not easy for me. Because i'm being bullied every minute every day.
now in grade 10 i thought it was going to be a new year.
Well i fucking guess not.
Well, i'm guessing what you're thinking when did bruce get so agro?
William use to push me around grab my arm put around my back.
I use to think he was just doing it for fun
nowait. he IS doing it for fun.
When he slapped me that day i said my braces got tightened when will slapped me. they actually weren't.
it was just a lie so that you guys wouldn't make fun of me for raging at something so small.
And the incident with izza i cried because it reminded me how people made fun of me all the time.
I moved away from the asian group because no one there talked to me. When i met callan i thought he was nice and i thought he had some nice friends so now i've moved to the D block group. I could relate to some of you guys. You guys shuffled, you guys liked techno, you guys don't judge me on how bad i am at shuffling.
but there some dick heads who make fun of me there all the time.
No one knows of this. Only the ones who are reading this know.
From now on. If anyone fucking makes fun of me i will fucking beat the fuck out of you.
I don't care what the law is going to do to me. I don't care what my parents think. My parents don't even love me that much just because i'm not as successful as my other sisters. "oh, why aren't you like your sister's look at them one's a dentist and one is becoming a physio in one year."
Yeah. They're just fucking stuck with a son who gets C's and B's.
Deep down. I still have a huge amount of grudge that i just want to run you over with.
No i'm not saying who.
It's far to late to say sorry from what i've been through.
Tommorrow i will decide who gets the silent treatment.
Good luck with trying to talk to me ever again to whoever i choose.
If you try to get my attention by saying"Bruce, bruce, bruce" repeatedly don't expect me from not doing anything about it.
Don't worry callan and leon it's not you.
You haven't done anything bad.
and will. don't come up with that shit about "everyone pays eachother out sometimes".
me sometimes? from the abuse that i get from you guys almost every day?
well, fuck you.

So what do you guys think that these "friends" of his should react?
(Yuan and william are the ones physically and verbally bullying atm)
The guy being bullied is really a good friend. I don't think he derserves to be bullied this much. I mean like since grade eight to ten?
Huge dicks if you ask me.
Here's the link: to the thread (yes i know that you can see the names of everyone now)
Last edited by Skky; Apr 28, 2010 at 12:37 AM.
I wish I could go meet you guys, and rage with the guy being bullied. I think they are pricks, and the guy probably has alot to offer, and its going unnoticed. People just need to chill out with this bullying shit.