Original Post
what annoys you most...
this is a simple one, i want to know what annoys you all the most in the world, what provokes the severest reaction in you, what it is and the reason (please try to be coherent about it)

i stopped smoking about a week ago and everything now irritates me equally withhout exception.
but to get this thread started, the one thing that has attracted my eternal hatred is the compare the meerkat adverts, why?
1) furry
2)simples is not a word
Last edited by FinalWish; Apr 18, 2010 at 02:41 AM. Reason: can spell
most certainly game hackers... and computer hackers in general. Good for you for stopping smoking... Its hard man.
Ecophilosophical communism... whatever the hell that is... or Psychosolcialism...
The Breast Cancer commercial song, "Pink Warrior"
Plump Juicy Raisins
High pitched white kids that act all tuff
the god
young kids, solkers, try hards
people that try to make a scene out of everything
people who try to look tough infront of the ladies
people who think they are tough in general
or take there strength too far, people who try and fit in,
loosing things aroung the house
people who pick on others that are smaller than them
people who would laugh if someone made a mistake in class
people who think annoying you is funny
people who say "my mum is dead" if someone says a 'your mum joke', but they actually are alive
if someone is geting hurt and the camera person cant help because the footage is much more important
people who think they are tough hurting animals, or saying "nah" after dropping them or something stupid

lots of stuff -.-
Last edited by Cook; Apr 21, 2010 at 07:43 AM.
I'm not very active on Toribash but still love to play from time to time, this game is great!
A lot of stuff really annoys me nowadays.
I used to be so innocent... And I didn't hate almost anything.
Now it's the opposite.

I don't know what annoys me the most, but I can list a few things...

Babies. Goddamnit, I don't get why everyone thinks that a baby that shits, pees, vomits on the floor, grabs a cat by its tail, a baby that is naked etc. etc. etc. is CUTE!!! I really hate babies.
They also cry everywhere because of some stupid reasons.
Inb4 "you were a baby and you did all these, too." Yes, I am aware of that, and I am ashamed of how stupid I was then. That won't change the fact that I hate babies.

As several people have said, people that think they're all tough, macho, cool etc.
Worst of all, they show this off by being in a group of friends and deciding to pick up some random people. Because they're so cool. It's so cool to pick up on one person while there's over 9000 of you others.

Piercings. All they cause is inflammations and people think it's so cool to have metal in them, which makes them look more ugly.
I prefer eyepads. Yarrr.

People who hate something because others hate it, too.
Prime examples for this would be RuneScape, Pokémon and DragonForce (pretty much everything that I can think up atm). They think they'll be all taboo when they hate something.
If I would like something that others don't, then I say that I like it and if they start to dislike me because of that, then they're not my real friends.
Get some better friends, fag.

People who think that their music preference is superior compared to everyone else's.
It turns out mostly metal loving people do this. Seriously. I have yet to see a person who starts flaming people because they like a pop artist more than an other one.
Even in YouTube there are spams like "99% of the people in Earth listen to pop and shit - be one of those 1% who listen to metal!!111oneoneone", yet I see a lot people who listen to metal... And a lot of them are really stupid.

Well, that's all what I can think of atm. Here are a few comics that are related to these. Thanks to lol-comics.

People who are like "OMG" when they hear a story (false one) about world destruction on certain day or seeing 666 or other interesting number in somewhere.
Goddamn gothic kids.

"omgzzzz im so emo i cut my wrists zomggg life fails we have no resun"

That's all I can think of now.
Last edited by Tonakai; Apr 18, 2010 at 04:57 PM.
more like the one above please!
people getting in my way when im trying to go somewhere is another of my greatest hates.
a good example of this is my flatmate, he always seems to be in the my way, when i ask him to move, he goes in the wrong direction and ends up even more in my way. what makes this worse though is that it seems to apply to everyone and they seem to be oblivious to the fact that.
News reports about children on tv and in newspapers where they mention which school he/she goes to even though this has no relevance whatsoever.

Newspaper articles where they give the impression that a new crisis is looming, even though the facts, problems and ways to solve it have been known and discussed for decades - eg Pensions crisis, Water shortages etc.

The phrase "I know where you're coming from."

The term "Road rage" as though to explain certain behaviour, instead of what it really is: Assault, GBH etc.

Silly programmes about how to deal with naughty little kids made by people who assume that parents have loads of time on their hands when all these little brats need is to be given a few hard slaps on their backside and made to stay in their room for an hour.

People who ONLY like country music

American pop music with strong swear words that make it embarrassing for parents when listening with their children