Original Post
Found a good hit, but I forgot how to do it.
Hey, im new here, and saw people post moves, and I was hoping some one could help me out.

I just did a fantastic hit where I got my guy to jump straight up, and bring his arms above the other characters head, then bring down the arms for a head sevver, then I grabbed his head, picked it up, and threw it down onto the body.

But what I forgot was how to jump up, can someone help me with this please? I didnt save the order in which I did it cause I was originaly just trying things out.

so, can someone help a newbie out

Edit: tried rasing arms and extending ackles, I dont get high enough to knock guys head off.
Re: Found a good hit, but I forgot how to do it.
This might be what you are on about

Raise Shoulders
Contract Pecs
Space x 2
Lower Shoulders
Contract abs
Space x 2

And with some editing, i ended up with this:

Raise Shoulders
Contract Pecs
Space x 2
Lower Shoulders
Contract abs
Contract Knees
Contract Hips
Grabby Hands
Space x 2
Extend Hips
Extend Knees

Press [P]

There are so many variations that you can do whilst the arms come down. But this one looks quite cool
Hope this is what you were looking for