Original Post
so i herd some peeple liek killer 7?
lemme gibyu a little back story. i was out with some friends at the local vialue village (read: thrift store), and i was looking at the cds. It was then that my eye happened upon a box with the name, "50s hits" i ignored that and picked up the killer 7 box instead. I had remembered a certain "zero punctuation" raving aout this in previous reviews, so i decided to fork over the measly $10. later that night, i put the disc in. not 5 minutes into the game, i turn it off. I know what you guys are asking. Miko, why did you turn it off? well shut up and sit down child, because papi has a story to tell. first of all, the menu was shitty, so cross that off. second, the "crazy" graphic are shitty, so cross that off. third the gameplay is shitty, so cross that off. Fourth, i got caught at this on this point where this guy hanging upside down as alying eggs out of his mouth, and those proceeded to turn into bad guys who proceeded to kill me. So i died. Then said "FUCK THIS SHIT" and turned it off.

p.s note to self: old games are not "vintage" or "good"

p.p.s except shadow of the colossus. that was tight shit right thar

I love you
Well, I do admit that the laying egg guy was kind of stupid(I've seen it before in a trailer), but might I as how the menu messed up? I've seen the graphics and the gameplay, but the menu thing just seems kind of new to me. Can you please describe a bit further.
I'm not going to attempt to translate that hideous abortion you call a paragraph, but I've gathered from the general tone that you didn't like Killer7.

To that, all I can say is that you probably didn't take the time or effort to understand or appreciate it, and that's why you didn't like it. Not everything is there to spoon-feed you absolutley thoughtless, shallow entertainment. Some things do require a bit of thought to appreciate.
These are delicious links. You must click them.
Also, Shadow of the Colossus is not a vintage game.

Anyways, I'll have to close this thread. What are you doing here?
I could sum down your "paragraph", if it can be called one, into this:

"I bought Killer7 for $10 because I listen to pointless online reviews, and I didn't even give it a chance because everything was shitty at first sight. I'm also extremely bad at gaming, so I died, followed by me saying "FUCK THIS SHIT" and turning it off."

So, yeah. Closed.