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Why is "Gentleman's Essentials" So Glitchy?
Hey guys, I just bought "Gentleman's Essentials" all exited to find that I looked like a ponochio with a large tumor.
Please tell my why this is happening and if its going to be fixed -.- I didn't just bust 80k for nothing.
It's not glitchy, you are probably running a version of Toribash that is to low. It works just fine for me on 4.41
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
Yep, Its not glitchy. I've had Gentlemen's Essentials twice.

Download 4.41, it's not glitchy in it.

Apathetic User
80k? I thought it's 70k and around 65k on market / items. I would't say it looks like tumor, it actually looks fairly good. It's a bit square ish and I'd like if outline was all circle better.

It looks better than daimyo for my eye, I think.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
80k? I thought it's 70k and around 65k on market / items. I would't say it looks like tumor, it actually looks fairly good. It's a bit square ish and I'd like if outline was all circle better.

It looks better than daimyo for my eye, I think.

i fancy it more than the daimyo aswell , possibly because the daimyo is some what obnoxious.

And to the op , as Hades said , try getting the latest version of TB , neither the daimyo top hat nor stable work on the previous versions .
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