Original Post
[T] Headphones 4 L-Rainbow Flame (or) Wingz
I got headphones ($15usd), and I am willing to trade them for a rainbow hand flame (left), or a wing flame (rainbow too).

Now gimme all yo offerz!
Are you talking about literal headphones or the in-game item?

I don't see them in your inventory.
Veni , Vidi , Vici
Hi, you are not allowed to offer item which is not on your account (this one you used to post a selling thread). I'll close this thread as you simply don't have item you offer. Please don't violate Market Rules in the future, to make sure you don't do it please read them:

C) Do not attempt to sell, or pay with items or Toricredits that are not in the inventory of the account that is posting. No; "It's in a bank account". This also covers the sale of items currently in the market.