1337 game, btw. madness interactive, that is.

the madman was a refreshing change from the norm. It clearly focused on style more than speed (or if I'm wrong, I like phail, lol), and usually I wouldn't like even the last DM's that far apart, but the fluid transitions made up for it

a good (a bit above the halfway mark between average and great) madman, and a unique one IMHO.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Good show 8.99/10

I really, really liked you style. It was just a tad slow though, imo a madman should be 500 frames.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
OK, I'm sorry, anyone who I might've pushed off the first page, but this one deserves more comments!

this is my first shameless bump, and I hope I won't have to do it too much more.
I refuse to grab.
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