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[REL] Warehouse sparkour map !


New spar/parkour mod with various environments to fight, run, or trick in, and a couple weapons

The conveyor belt is full friction, meaning running on it feels like regular ground, but faster. Makes you jump far too

The two shelves next to the conveyor are nonstatics, and all the boxes on them are as well ! You can step and walk on them, but they'll break apart if under too much stress.

these two

Let me know what you think !

Alternative starting positions (copy paste them into ctrl+g, starting playerpos) to help you move your toris around. Note that the belt is running along the Y axis (second value).
  • Above the furthest shelves to the belt : 43.35,-13.35,11.50,78.50,-13.50,11.5
  • Above the closest shelves to the belt : 53.35,-13.35,8.00,68.50,-13.50,8.00
  • Tori on a container, Uke on a truck (far) : 41.30,35.00,9.80,80.50,33.00,8.00
  • Tori on a container, Uke on a truck (close) : 49.50,35.00,9.80,70.00,33.00,8.00
  • Facing each other in a fairly open area : 72.00,18.00,1.30,82.00,18.00,1.30
Last edited by DashSora; Jun 11, 2017 at 09:06 PM. Reason: i cant english
This looks awesome! The working assembly line is really cool. I would have picked different colors tho. Darker and closer to each other so you get a feeling of a filled room.
Anyway nice work and I can't wait to play on it as soon as I learn to play toribash.........
evil Führer of Evil
Cool, fantastic idea with the conveyerbelts and the shelves

A few things:

I can't figure out why the belts rise out of their tracks sometimes or how you made them. I would have laid a very thin layer of friction 0 objects around all sides of the belts (not just the bottom). Maybe this would solve the issue, I have no idea why they float like that so I can't really tell though.

The starting position is not good. I get you want players to use the conveyerbelts but starting at the bottom of a map is rarely a good idea. Get up on those shelves is very difficult, especially since they're nonstatic meaning huge parts of the mod is unavailible to most people(many don't know how the position property work and can't change it themselves).
Just noticed you have alternative starting positions listed, that is good

Besides the cool interactive objects it's very bland, both sides of the battle area are basically the same and both of them are rather empty leading into:

Its too large. Even if someone spent the time getting through every corner of the room there really isn't much incentive to do so. Because everything is so spread out and the room is so spacey it doesn't feel like a lot of fun to play besides checking out the interactive parts. Think of it as a bag of cheetos, would you rather eat 1500 barely flavored pieces or 300 super tasty ones? Size doesn't mean everything :^)
Would have loved for it to be more compact, makes it so much easier to get around and much more exciting to play. The biggest bother is the containers in the middle, sitting at the side leaving a huge part empty on the other side, the forklift is there to offer some compensation but it isn't enough since the containers are much larger.

Some of the objects are overdimensioned. This happens because the mod is too spacey and you didn't measure the objects next to the Tori. The buttons for the door is larger than Toris head for example and the door itself is like 4 stories high.

The colors are pretty good. You used colorvariation which makes a huge difference and that's great but the lightning is a bit fishy. Warehouses can obviously be both bright and dark depending on if it's an Indiana Jones movie or real life but this mod can't really seem to decide which one to be. The floor is very dark compared to the rest of the mod. The containers and shelves belong in direct sunlight and the floor and gate in a dim env.

The yellow lines by the trucks clip into the floor if you look at them from far away

There are two seemingly useless objects inside the floor (nr 127 and 128, filler objects..?). And both of them are clipping.

Overall it feels like you just wanted to show of some fancy mechanics, which is fine, but this had some great potential and everything besides the conveyerbelts and the two closest shelves just feels like filler. I appreciate the mod on a theoretical level but personally I wouldn't play this twice.

I'm going to tell you the same thing Oblivion told me when I started hacking.
Don't waste cool ideas on lazy work. Blow people away instead of making them think "that's pretty cool I never thought of that".
Last edited by jisse; Jun 12, 2017 at 07:34 AM.
personally, i think this is a great concept. i love the idea of moving conveyor belts and breaking shelves. it's a great idea, and you've done it fairly well!

a couple things from jisse's comment rings true though. the building is too large, and there's not much to do on the one side. the first half ( shelves, belts, sledgehammer) is amazing and provides a ton of fun, but the second side is bare of interactive objects, and it doesn't entice me to spar over there. the colour variation is beautiful, things blend into each other. but, i've never been one for that stuff, so what do i know. i too noticed some objects being overdimensioned. it's a great idea to measure next to tori for each object, to get an idea of what is good and what's not.

the yellow lines clipping, i couldnt care less, and i doubt anyone else will either. the clipping objects though, that's something i noticed and didn't like.

overall, solid mod and i enjoyed playing it decided i'd throw together a fancy thing with kurro, only took us a couple tries to get the hands linked.

hopefully this shows the potential with your mod, and maybe encourages you to make more mods like this! next time, try making it more compact, with more detail. bigger isn't always better, and in the case of toribash we just can't make a hyper detailed mod in a large space, it's just not possible. i think you dide a good job, and i hope i see more mods with these mechanics

**i have permission to post a replay here**
Attached Files
hi i'm karbn and i eat ass; love the market overlord
Thank you all for your kind criticism

I'd like to start by addressing the comments about the size: Instead of seeing it as a bag of chips, I'd rather see it as a party mix. Different flavors for different people, you wont necessarily like all of em. That's the idea this mod was brought upon. Some people like nature chips (flat open spaces to just go at it), some people like hot and spicy chips (conveyors, destructible environment). And if you're greedy you can eat them all, but you don't have to do it in one sitting

Furthermore, as much as there's "no" incentive to go right across the map in a spar, it might make more sense in a parkour, or sparkour setting. If I take a look at (for example) sparkour_oasis.tbm (a fairly large map too), there's not much incentive to go everywhere on the map, because you don't need to. You can just enjoy the parts that are interesting to you and consider the rest as scenery.

The buttons are more traffic-lighty, and i've taken the time to move the toris pretty much everywhere around the map. I just liked that bigass door, wanted to climb it, too. The sledge's handle is a bit lengthy, but what else is oversized in your opinion?

I really wanted it to have some papers on the ground, make it feel more dirty warehousy, hence 127-128, and I've made those and the yellow lines 10 units thick, and 0.005 above the ground. Depending on your distance from them, your graphics options, the angle at which you look at them and move your camera will all influence the clippiness of those parts. I am aware of these issues, but decided that not having them stick out too much and hinder gameplay was better than no mild clipping from afar.

But I understand the feeling that those two objects are fillers, and I could've probably made slightly better use of them.

The belts and the shelves were developed along the mod, with the base idea of it simply being a warehouse.The shelves are actually pretty hard to bring down, unless you actively try to do so. Beginners might have a hard time reaching the top from the conveyors, but better players probably won't have that much trouble. The conveyor helps you jump quite farther and higher, too.

Speaking of the conveyors, they can also be useful to relocate to a new side at will, running on them is very easy and makes you go really fast.

They're extremely heavy, and floating, not touching any of the objects around them. Theoretically the slippery object below is only here for the color (and safety, in case they'e pushed down by an object or Tori that reached the wall). I've never ever seen them go out of their track, but I'd love to see how you managed that?

I hope this clarifies my choices a little, I'd like to say that I give great value to these feedbacks, and (again) thank y'all for it. I'll make sure to keep all of them in mind when working on my next mod, for something even better. I still have a lot of progress to do in the color department for sure (playing with lighting and such).

And Karbn - Nice conveyor waltz
Last edited by DashSora; Jun 13, 2017 at 05:16 PM.