Original Post
i am selling a bunch of 128 textures and some of my uneeded misc
the for sale set in my deact is the only thing for sale heres a link
if that doesnt work just navigate to my deact and click on the for sale set
looking for 35k for the bunch
tc only please make fair offers
I still take texture requests for usd
there are 16 texture items in it, and those are basically the only items worth anything. my rate on them is 1,4k, so it would be 22,4k, but as there are some other items lets make it 24k. Is it fine? Remember that textures are around ~1,5k each in market.
Originally Posted by Calamity View Post
27k and deal

nah, send when 24k is fine, it is already good price considering current textures marketprices. If I wanted it for 1,6k+ each, I would just buy those in a market, not anything good really.