Original Post
Bunch o' replays made during the Nabi Replay Maker Tourney...
... And a little more stuff later. But for now, it's these NINE replays it's about.
Yes, you read correctly, nine. 9. It is a lot to put in one post, i know, but this
is a somewhat special occasion. So yeah.

First round, which allowed for 2 submissions, was about a decap kick and a second
hit that caused at least one dismemberment. Replays 1 and 2 are from this round.

Second round, which also allowed 2 submissions, was about punches. Supposedly
the round that sucked the most for all of the competitors, me included. 3 and 4 are from this round.

Third round (Semi-finals), again 2 submissions, was about long-range attacks. 5 and 6.

And the final round (Against the awesome Vigi), which then allowed for 3 submissions,
was about no-grab combos. That's right bitches, no-grab combos. No complaining
about grabbing here. Isn't that totally fantastic? Also, 7, 8 and 9.

I'll let you find out what the replays are like, because else this would be a terribly long post.

I still can't believe that i won >.>
Attached Files
Class A - Comp. replay 1.rpl (138.0 KB, 52 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 2.rpl (91.1 KB, 42 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 3.rpl (165.4 KB, 41 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 4.rpl (125.6 KB, 32 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 5.rpl (138.3 KB, 35 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 6.rpl (99.5 KB, 33 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 7.rpl (157.3 KB, 40 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 8.rpl (145.9 KB, 37 views)
Class A - Comp. replay 9.rpl (240.9 KB, 54 views)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Watched 'em all in order:

Replay One- I watched some of your old replays before, and this one just blows away all those. Maybe not all, but most. Epic follow-up kick after that decap.

Replay Two- Real smooth headkick. I dun' dig the follow up though.

Replay Three- You didn't look like you were having a hard time =) The fact that you didn't grab while punching makes this awesome replay unbelievable.

Replay Four- You gotta <3 clubbing. Very creative there, shook.

Replay Five- This replay almost made me go holy shit an' I don't even curse IRL!

Replay Six- Very ninja-like. I love that kick, really deserves the name boomhit.

Replay Seven- At first I thought it was over after the splitcap. Then you proved me wrong and I reflexively pressed the E key, just to make sure this is still the same Toribash you're playing. This is the epic shit.

Replay Eight- Love the way you sent the abs flying. If it were just somebody else, I would've expected the replay to end after that second kick.

Replay Nine- *is speechless*

Congratz on you winning!

Just a question, where the hell do you get all your momentum from?
Thanks a ton!

Originally Posted by Geast View Post
Just a question, where the hell do you get all your momentum from?

I lick an ostrich egg every day, when i get up from bed. I find it positively affecting my momentum.
You should try it, amazing shit could happen :0
But in all seriousness, the floor.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
No wonder I had lost to you. Really nice batch of replays.

It's a shame I didn't make a second replay, I might of actually stood a chance.
Originally Posted by shook View Post
Thanks a ton!


I lick an ostrich egg every day, when i get up from bed. I find it positively affecting my momentum.
You should try it, amazing shit could happen :0
But in all seriousness, the floor.

Results may vary. Shook got momentum, but I got oral herpes.

btw nice stuff :P
Since when did I become Asian?
.... Every time I think I make a good replay, and see your replays, I get depressed

Also kickass replays as always Shook ^^
Originally Posted by Moltex View Post
I might of actually stood a chance.

A chance? Hells no, you would have won instantly >.>

@JDawg: Oh yeah, forgot to tell that you need to lick with the bottom side of
your tongue, else... That happens.

And a big, collective THANK YOU to all of you folks

Oh yes, a few more replays. It's all about the crotch.
Attached Files
Class A - Crotchpoop decap.rpl (68.7 KB, 16 views)
Class A - Pacemaker implant.rpl (104.5 KB, 14 views)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Awesome batch o replays shook. No wonder you won
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
Looking at all the other entries, it is, as a matter of fact, a wonder that i won >.>
Still, thanks a lot
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol