it's all preference and what you like more, I personally prefer Void a bit more then Demon.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Void goes good with most things, demon does go good with thigs too but I think void is easier to match sets and other colors with so probably void tbh
you're on thin ice, pal
Personally, I prefer Demon. I think it looks better than just black (unless you're looking for all/most of your tori to be the same color), goes good with pretty much every other color, and it's even cheaper. Demon force is one thing I'll never get rid of.

It really depends what lax it is with, but I'd say demon goes better with the pyro mask and dreads
Void is poor man's Demon; same QI, different price.

Don't be a broke ass pikey, make the sensible choice

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you