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Love/Hate that mod
What toribash mod do you love and which one do you hate?

I love boxshu because it's fun.
I hate lenshu because it's just a hit and run mod that takes no skill.
I love lenshu because it's fun.
I hate boxshu because it's just a hit and run mod that takes no skill.
unlike glimpsed i like judo because i can rip someone's arms off in style
but if i could kill a mod and wipe it out of toribash history it'd have to be shootboxing.
bike is the best emoji. never remove
aka trollface person
I like tk

I hate tk
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
What toribash mod do you love and which one do you hate?

I love boxshu because it's fun.
I hate lenshu because it's just a hit and run mod that takes no skill.

the whole lenshu is just hit and run thing is such an outdated oldhead thing to say

oldheads have the worst movement/openers/defense ever and will whine about people running when they cant even move properly themselves

cant teach a senile old dog new tricks

if you dont believe me literally just win the opener and stay still afterwards and watch them barely be able to launch towards you with their "old style"
boxshu captures the essence of toribashit has grappling and striking, interesting movement opportunities from the walls and ceiling, hard(not impossible) to do openers that insta win(shovels/snapkicks/etc), its fun. limitless skill ceiling, turnframes make the matches more beginner friendly(when its noob v noob atleast)
tons of ways to do wacky/cool things with grabs.

boxshu is movement

the issue with boxshu is that many dont play it in the way its meant to be. kinda like how soloq in overwatch silver vs having a dedicated OWL team with comms and strats n everything that goes into actually playing the game properly.
Last edited by Kirito; Mar 9, 2024 at 09:59 AM.
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
i like the box wushu and lenshu mod, cant really remember whats the name
no grab aikido is p fun, dun like abd cuz i suck