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ToriPrime+vip or gta iv on steam
Hey, i can't decide if i should get toriprime+vip or gta iv on steam they are both around 20$ so i just wanna know what is better (and no im not new to toribash this is my new main account)
I would say gta, but you would get more help here. :-D

Toriprime and vip are way overpriced.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
if you're very active on toribash forum and wanna look hot. go for the tp+vip.

if you;re not that active, go gta :P
no u

Sure you must go Gta its awesome and perm
Toriprime+Vip is Awesome But they are over priced

But if i was you ill get toriprime+Vip Because im Soo active in forum (and games to)

any way its just advice.
Well you know.
You are choosing between having:
A larger avatar
A sigpic
Background image
A private board that is more of a wibbles thread
More space in your signature


A full game
Very much a free roam, fun to play around in game
a game with a story line

You know, its like choosing between buying a house or going to sleep, two different things that never should be choosen between
Jesus Christ, this is very easy to decide if I were you.

A game is better than a membership on an official forum onto a game that is free, and that's only a few months before your membership blasts off to somewhere else.

So... lets just say that it's decided between a free game, or all the games on steam.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)