Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Fusion Council Thread / Fusion Clan Rules
The Fusion Council

Council Leader : Melmoth
Council Members : LineTori, 715379, C0XY

Don't ask to be in the council !

The powers of the Council :
  • the Council members can nominate a player for a clan invite. The council has the right to vote in a player invitation poll.
  • the council members have the server password.
  • the Council can create rules for the clan.
  • the Council can kick members. The good reasons to kick a member are :
    • Inactivity (forum OR game),
    • Non-respect of the Clan rules,
    • Offence towards another Fusion member,
    • Poor behavior.

Fusion Clan Rules (in progress) :

1. Double clanning is not allowed.
2. Never quit game nor /spec when you're losing (bounty on your head is no excuse). Fight like a brave.
3. Don't flame anyone PERIOD. Report it or ignore the fucktardian who's doing it.
4. Don't be rude and don't spam online in servers. Please don't be an annoying moron.
5. Show SOME level of maturity in online servers!
6. Don't try to act superior to someone and don't make fun of newer players.
7. Don't use the terms NOOB, OMG H4XXORZ, LUXY, NUB LUCK I MESSED UP- just say 'gg' or 'gf' when you fight someone, don't be a sore loser.
8. Respect other clans and don't lord yourself up or I'll personally bitchslap you into yesterday.
9. Don't give the server password to ANYONE including friends, clan mates, etc.

Joining the Clan:

ANY member of Fusion can nominate a player to be given an invite. Council members and leaders must vote in a 51% majority to invite a player.

Players can still request nominations in our board, but obviously the nomination itself must be done by a member.

Members: This is a privilege. If you nominate someone, do it for good reason. Don't waste our time.


02-07-2008 : Creation of the Council
02-07-2008 : Rules 3-8 added by RDM
02-15-2008 : New members in the Council : LineTori, C0XY and toriman2007
02-25-2008 : The Council members ne longer have the password of the server.
05-02-2008 : C0XY leaves Fusion. New member in the council : 715379.
05-06-2008 : C0XY is back
05-25-2008 : New Council Powers
07-11-2008 : New members : PorcupineJim and Coke
07-12-2008 : Lot of changes...
Last edited by Melmoth; Jul 13, 2008 at 01:41 PM.
am i allowed to post here also put in the rules be respective to other clans even if you are having a clan war or down right hate the clan
We have nominated three new members for the Council :
  • LineTori: He's a good, active player and all around nice guy.
  • C0XY: He's done a good job with managing the clan bank, and that demonstrates that he can handle responsibility.
  • toriman2007: He's very active on both game and forums, and shows a strong desire to help the clan.

The server password and some instructions will soon be sent to them.
Congrats !

If they show a little more activeness, littlenooby and macturtle are potential future members.
Originally Posted by C0XY View Post
i will do my best to do a good job

so will I
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
Hello, council.

I have a job for you: use your powers and kick some inactive people out of this clan. We have people who want to join and I'd love to exchange inactive members for active ones. Just be careful; don't kick any active members please.

That is all.