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Is it possible to sell TC booster
I still have the TC booster from lottery event and I was wondering if it would be possible to transfer it to someone else. It is not possible to send it normally, but is it against the rules to sell it and then transfer it with a help of admin?
no, if you have it on and you get tc from winning games theres nothing to do about it other than soldier on and get that MONEY
hentai for senpai :3~~ >~<
Originally Posted by HeyoFred View Post
no, if you have it on and you get tc from winning games theres nothing to do about it other than soldier on and get that MONEY

thing is he doesnt have it on, it's just in his deactive

iirc these subscriptions are not transferable and usually not transferable items wont be transfered by TSAs anyway, but dont quote me on that.
I think what HeyoFred is trying to say is that the ones who did the lottery gave them out, "sold them". (Market Squad)
However that was a staff ran event and TSA's spawned those boosters for the event. If that's what he's questioning.
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