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an experience with a car
so i was walking down the road today, just eating an ice cream. and a car started honking at me. i was like, oh thats fine. but then i saw it coming the other way again, and it honked lots and lots. a bit puzzled i kept walking. the car pulled up outside the bank. someone got out to go to the ATM and when i passed the honking started again. the car then followed me down the road, just honking. another few times it turned around, as if to go away. but it just did a full circle. it followed me all the way to the corner of my street. and then honked till i walked in my gate.

has this happened to anyone else before?

Edit: this isnt the first time its happened
Last edited by Pebbles_old; Jul 31, 2010 at 07:04 AM.
Stalkers. Or your gonna get jumped?Try calling the police?Let them see what's up does it happeen everyday.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]. Tagknife:you get one minute
That's happened to one of my cousins before if I understand your story, they were being followed by some driver in a car
Where do you live?
Do you have friends that like to mess with you?
Did you look in the car to see the driver or passengers?
I'm a little skeptical about the legitimacy of your story because there seems to be no motive for someone to randomly follow you.
If you feel you are in imminent danger I suggest contacting the police.
You have a stalker on your tail, and you're consulting with people on the internet?

First off, like golden said, are you sure it isn't just a friend messing with you?
Teenagers wanting to fuck with you because you're a child. Nothing to discuss, so moving to RT. Enjoy.
Last edited by rittu; Jul 31, 2010 at 08:41 AM.