Original Post
Clans to Beat
We should challenge more clans to wars and stuff to get our reputation up

what do you guys think?

if we carry out on this we shall need to beat:

Clans - Skill:

DAT - Fucking Hard
USSR - Hard
Bouncy - No Chance (but will die trying)
Alpha - Fucking Hard
DeathReaper - Easy (i that hink)
Inquisitor - Fucking Hard
Parrot - Depends what we verse them in - Round 1 done!
Evil - Not Sure
Klan Opposition - The name explains it > Medium
Latin - Judo=Hard Taekkyon=Medium
RAWR - Fucking Hard
Urban - Fucking Hard (I vs rutzor ^_^)
Torigod - Hard (inactive a bit i think)
Hive - Moderate

Thats what we gotta reach but before we start on them we should start on smaller clans for example "NEWB" and other clans that are pretty unheard of
Last edited by Virtue; May 13, 2009 at 07:28 AM.
You just got TOLD by an 11 YEAR OLD
Dude I just pwned almost the entire USSR clan like 3 weeks ago "-_- They annoyed me too much -.-

And no fighting against our allies like KO

Here's what I think about the others:

DAT Fucking Hard - I got good friends there
USSR Hard - Just pwned half of them
Bouncy No Chance - Pretty cool ;)
Aplha Fucking Hard - Rarely seen
DeathReaper Easy - a little too easy
Inquestion Fucking Hard - it's almost dead
Parrot Depends what we verse them in - Moop's there you assclown
Evil - I got good friends there
Klan Opposition The name explains it > Medium - they're our allies "-_-
Latin Judo=Hard Taekkyon=Medium - pretty stupid on this
RAWR Fucking Hard - neutral
Urban Fucking Hard - Are you fucking crazy?
Torigod Hard - are you trying to get us killed??
Last edited by Virtue; May 9, 2009 at 02:51 AM.
master of the universe
The last 2 questions answers are


I am crazy

i do not wanna die

You just got TOLD by an 11 YEAR OLD