Original Post
Toribash Video Edit Competition

Dear Toribashians,

In the past time i have been watching alot of videos in Toribash. That is realy impressive.
Still, the most of it shows short edits of about 30 seconds. I know how hard it is to make such a sweet 30 seconds video
with alot of effects in it. But good videos need time, good videos need effort and good videos dont need to be full of effects.
That is why i created this event, to make you guys do something that needs effort.

Every player makes a video and uploads it on Youtube (or other website).
The name of the Video itself should have "TVEC" in it, otherwise IT WILL NOT BE RATED.
So no old video stuff only fresh edits. You can make the Videos however you want, you want to make a madman video? Do it! Or a Tricking Video? Do it!
Just do whatever you wish in the Video, but keep in mind: MAKE IT UNIQUE!
After you have made the video uploaded on Youtube (or other website)
make sure the name contains "TVEC" in it and post it in the Thread.

Video has to have ATLEAST 1 minutes and 30 seconds else it WON'T be RATED
Only 1 Video for the Event (So take your time for editing before uploading it)
The Video has to contain Toribash related stuff (obviously you can't Qualify with a Call of Duty edit)

TheCobra , Matarika , NotShadow
We will judge based on criteria such as for example Effects,Sync,Quality...


So for everyone who will compete here good luck, have fun and concentrate!

Deadline for Video entries: 24th January 2015
Event Deadline: 25-27th January 2015 (depending on how fast we rate the Videos and on the amount of entries)

~ TheCobra

Last edited by Cobra; Jan 17, 2015 at 03:37 AM.
Now this will be fun...
Al though one question, Why only ONE guy wins, instead of having second/third place as well?
also copyright music allowed?
Originally Posted by NoKi1119 View Post
Now this will be fun...
Al though one question, Why only ONE guy wins, instead of having second/third place as well?
also copyright music allowed?

Well it only be that one winner is there. I might put prizes on other events i might host on 1st and 2nd, but on this one i want to keep it with just one simple winner who did best from the event

Also, if you want to use copyright music do it. You make your video you decide what fits in best. And if it cant be anything else than copyright music then well, go ahead!

feel free to sponsor for second prize..
Last edited by Cobra; Jan 13, 2015 at 12:51 AM.
Seems interesting. I might actually join in this..
"B U R A K K U W A I T O A A M A A"
- B l a c k | W h i t e | A r m o r -
Originally Posted by Haunter View Post
innit 2 winnit

And can there be a collab of some sort ?

Haunter! Feel free to create ur video however you wish! Collab is also allowed why not. But there will be 1 winner so when you collab with someone, the one who uploaded it gets the prize and depending on HIM splits it with you. the shiai tokens though belong to him then i guess since their not tradeable
Augans it doesn't take skill to notice how good sync is, if a video has great quality or if the effects were well used. You either enter or not. If you don't like the judges, then simply don't enter. You are entitled to your opinions, and we never asked to hear them. So take it somewhere else
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