Original Post
It seems they haven't had a lottery in quite some time from what I am seeing (unless I missed something). I don't think they do it anymore.
seems like a yearly thing, so maybe
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
So its every year because i remember last year they had it for christmas and easter

And this year nothing yet
Quack's Club

Pm me for help or if you have any questions.
I don't think the people responsible for organizing the lottery have a pre-set date for this. In general, when people want to make an event, they usually discuss the details shortly before the announcement. Besides that, when the event's time come, everybody will know it. So, I don't think we should worry about that, especially because the organization of the lottery is private, if they wanted us to know the details, they would certainly do it publicly.
As far as I know it's Market Squad. So, if you want to know whether or not the lottery will still happen, they could give you a better answer. But as I said before, I don't think they have a pre-set date for it.
No problem. I will just go ahead and close this thread, since you doesn't seem to have any doubts about this anymore.
