Original Post
Does anyone use gimp for making heads?
I'm a beginner on making head textures and if anyone that is good on making heads that is using gimp i need help.
Not really. I do however find it nice to do things handrawn. If you have a touchscreen computer like mine, buy a stylist and handraw stuff. Or use a tablet. When making lines and junk, I find the oil tool super Ez to use and nice to look at. Experiment and get to know gimp.
I deleted my sig cuz clan bai nao
Use layers for every part of the texture (mouth, nose, etc). Beginn the texure with a sketch and check, if the mapping is ok (fillters --> animations --> animated globe (for that it has to be a single layered texture. Just export it as a .png file and you are fine ^^)).

If you want to export it into a costum folder then export it as a .tga file

Klein Bottles only have one surface so they are the easiest thing to clean

Yes, gimp is used for making heads. You can find a list of softwares used on this purpose in this thread:

If you are interested on learning it, you could post in the begginer santuary or in the tutorials board and ask a tutorial about it, if it doesn't already exist. Just try to search on google before posting, it's the easiest way.

I'll close this thread now, since your question is already answered.