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Best Super Power?
Many a time it has been when I have found myself discussing the various pros and cons of a super power, usually a conversation that follows the question "What super power would you pick if you could have only ONE?"

Tbh, if you have any sort of super power chances are it's going to be pretty cool, but which is the best in terms of power potential? Which power can benefit you the most?

In my opinion it is Time/Space Manipulation. Next would be Telepathy and thus being proficient enough in that to alter peoples thoughts and control them. 3rd could go to any number of them in my opinion and thus I will not suffer myself to choose one.

I believe that Time/Space Manipulation is the best for a variety of different reasons, of course all of the pros and cons that I mention will be entirely dependent on the details of the users abilities and the reaction of Time and Space to the use of these abilities.

1. You can move faster than anything, if you wish to, by simply stopping time or reversing time and locating yourself to the ideal destination.

2. You have capabilities of being Super Strong, by simply stopping time you could easily engineer any form of explosion or sabotage in order to attain the goal that Super Strength would also have accomplished.

3. You can never die if you see it fit.

4. Unlimited time could equal unlimited access to knowledge. Of course being able to stop or reverse time would be very handy as you wouldn't want to walk to every destination, especially if you wish to travel overseas. Thus, getting your pilots licence is a breeze, not legal but still a breeze.

5. You would never have to pay for anything.

6. There is this hot girl who you've wanted to see naked for ages so you stop time, take a peak, regret it and then move on with your life.

I've decided to stop there as I could rattle of scenarios for a while.


1. You're only weakness, aside from those you are burdened by just because you are human, would be something that all of your enemies have and that is the need to sleep. You can be stopping time and rewinding to avoid being killed while you don't know you're being attacked. This is only a weakness if you are stupid. To overcome this, simply stop time and sleep and then start time when you are done.

2. If you somehow manage to lose your powers whilst time has been stopped or whilst you are in a time that is not suited to your current situation. This of course would depend on how Time/Space reacts to this. Time may revert back to normal once your hold over it is gone or it could stay as it was made.

Apart from worldly weaknesses I can't see anymore

If you disagree with any of my points, believe there is a more useful power then post your thoughts. If there are no replies I will assume you agree.
err i choose
1. never die
2. never get sick
3. always awesome
4. invulnerable
5. reincarnation (even if i die i'll be reborned (even though I wont die))
6. super speed
7. so fast teleportation can also be used
8. super strong
9. can walk even backwards
10. invisible and can walk trough walls
Immortality isn't a super power imo. Also, you haven't disclosed the details to your immortality. I'm sure I could still crush you.
More details about my power:

A person with the power of space-time manipulation cannot have their memories altered by a change in their own personal timeline. In short, they are immune to the effects of a paradox changing time and if a person changes the past, their own memories of what things were like before the change will remain unaltered. The one exception to this is if they die in another time, but theoretically, if one can bend space and time, then one could make oneself look younger, physically become younger and make himself invincible. Bodily aging is caused by physical degradation of the body over time, not time itself.
If the user had full control over his power, he or she could reverse time on their bodies (making themselves physically younger), whilst keeping it still on their minds, to retain their memories and identity.

Theoretically, since this ability allows user to bend space, they can perform flight. ravity is related to time because it affects the speed motion of things, and since time is related to space, so is gravity.
By that logic, gravity should be slowed down to a near halt when time is stopped. Of course this would have to be entirely up to the user and their methods of manipulation.

I literally could go on for ages.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Immortality, unlimited stamina.

Once again the details of your immortality are not disclosed. Also due to my ability I could go back in time and kill your parents, thus stopping you from existing. If that doesn't work then you are God and you gave me my powers etc.
Non-contradictory omnipotence. Nothing can beat it.
Originally Posted by Murmayder View Post
Once again the details of your immortality are not disclosed. Also due to my ability I could go back in time and kill your parents, thus stopping you from existing. If that doesn't work then you are God and you gave me my powers etc.

You wouldn't kill me. The moment you travel backwards and interfere with my parents, you do one of two things. You try to kill them and fail, then we know that the timeline is looped and everything is pre-determined. If you succeed in killing them, you create an alternate reality in which I am dead.
Either way, I survive. You cannot alter a timeline.
control myself and surroundings with my brain.
i can make hampa fly!lol.
and when i have that poewr i can fly!
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