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How to Run?
I just can't get the hang of it D: Someone please help?

(Do not send me a link to that youtube video that everyone obsesses over)
daddy kill the spider
Well, when I invented running,

I always wanted to lean as far forward as possible in the beginning to gain enough speed, then I would lean back and stand straight up because it is easier to control your tori this way. Whatever you do, you don't want to find a scripted running sequence and then depend on it, because it will just teach you to run straight and never face an obstacles.
Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
That video tutorial on youtube is the best way to learn how to run. After that just practice and make your own style.

See, I use that, but when I don't I just fall over. I can't make my own style D:

Originally Posted by culapou View Post
Whatever you do, you don't want to find a scripted running sequence and then depend on it, because it will just teach you to run straight and never face an obstacles.

I can only run with a sequence I depend on. This thread was made so I don't have to T_T
daddy kill the spider
Well, you want to keep your knees relaxed and pump with your hips, only use the knees after contact with the ground has been made, relaxed knees will get you the best angle to step off from, you want them to come down at a 55* angle or so.
Originally Posted by ToriTroll View Post
but how do I start? do I half- face plant, do I stand up straight?

There is no straight up way to do it. Everybody does it according to their style.

There are some things beyond what a tutorial can teach, that you have to learn via trial and error by yourself.