Original Post
I Am In Possession Of >200 Hot-Wheels Cars
I have more than 200 toy Hot-Wheels cars ranging from 1975 to 2001 versions.

I played with them when I was a kid, and I recently discovered them in my basement in two camping-sized, rubbermaid containers.

I was thinking about selling them, but found that I would only get about a dollar per car, and most of these are in a slightly damaged condition or not very rare.

I also have most of the tracks and a giant container with lots of tracks and pieces (and spiders!) inside.

What should I do?
1. Post pics.

2. Send them to me. I used to collect them when I was little, and I had a collection that my dad gave me from his collection. They're just in a box somewhere, but they're still fascinating.
Either do what Novitech said, or dedicate a room of your house to them, set bitchin ass complex track, send all of them through it at once, and video tape it and put it on youtube. You could "that hotwheels guy on youtube"

Or roll around in them like a rich person with money, because that is a whole lot of awesome you have there.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Do want. I loved these cars when i was littler than i am now, and used to spend hours creating elaborate stories about them.
You should set up on of the craziest tracks ever, and at the end have the car you're using ramp jump as many of the other cars as possible. Then post it on youtube. After that I have no idea...
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
Destruction derby. Solving the problem leaving one car left. Mail that one to Novitech
<Jaker> fucking yes , the black anal fetish fetus , :-* love ya .. btw i love how your teehts are touching my *PIEP* when you do a blowjob <3
Leader of [l]|ORMO Recruiter|BISH|[WTU]|[ETC]|Replays|[TGS]|
Originally Posted by Novitech View Post
1. Post pics.

2. Send them to me. I used to collect them when I was little, and I had a collection that my dad gave me from his collection. They're just in a box somewhere, but they're still fascinating.

3. Sell them. You could make a few dollars of those things
Originally Posted by SpaceLlama View Post
Destruction derby. Solving the problem leaving one car left. Mail that one to Novitech

This is the best suggestion ever. Set up the biggest track, and make cars ram each other until they break.
Originally Posted by Novitech View Post
1. Post pics.

2. Send them to me. I used to collect them when I was little, and I had a collection that my dad gave me from his collection. They're just in a box somewhere, but they're still fascinating.


anyways 200? thats quite Alot
nice job collecting them
Get a thousand bottle rockets, tape them to the cars. Shoot them out your window.
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