Original Post
Isn't it time to have a new clan member banner?
guys,really i think it's time to have a new clan banner that has all clan members doing poses like all other clans?maybe you can make all the clan members playing billiards or maybe the clan members holding guns in their hands(snipers,machine guns,pistols,bazookas etc....),or maybe clan members firing fireballs from their hands.and anyone who has an idea about a clan banner please post it the way,if you guys are gonna make a new banner,don't put me in it,cuz i don't have colors or textures,I'll not look pretty in the pic.
There is no point cannible just payed 20k for the current banner and it is sweet. plus with new members joining and people leaving and that kind of thing we would have to make a new banner every other week.
yeah. i like the banner as it is at the moment, but when recruiting and things settle down, ill think about it
i agree with cann only active members i see is us
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
ok,sry cann i just wanted our clan to be now can erase this thread cuz it's not usefull,sry
no theres no need to erase, i appreciate suggestions like this, because if everyone agreed, i could improve the clan
first usefull revive xD
think so too
and i have a nice idea for it
every diafguy holding some wood that is on fire in his hands
they are all in a circle right around myi
he has both hand on fire and is evil laughing
what do you think?
I'll do >:D >:D >:D and YOU'll do :S:S:S:S:S:S:S