Original Post
Rate my Win %
Hey i have only been playing for a day and i was wondering if my win % is good for what belt i am. And BTw this is the only account i have =D
i'd say its about 79% out of wanted us to rate right ?
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
Win percentage rates itself....I don't think you need us to say anything.

79% is 7.9/10

Originally Posted by Rutzor View Post
i'd say its about 79% out of wanted us to rate right ?

Yes. What the Rutzor said.
It makes me wonder..
i think 79% is good.

I am slowly building my win% from 42% and i've reached 45% so yah.. you're doing alright. But i bet your percentage drops between hitting blackbelt and reaching 2nd dan.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
I wouldn't worry too much about win %, worry more about having fun,

True, i have alot of fun losing most of the time :b

Pretty good percentfor your first day, I'm more concerned about the ammounts of games you've played :v