Original Post
[Textures]They incomplete atm
Well im making a texture set. Im about half way through and i want some feedback on weather i should finish it or stop because its a lump of crap.. Critisism would be greatly excepted. And maybe a rating.

It's going to contain every texture that i know of such as joints, torso, dq etc. The joints are a bit sameish but i like them how they are.

Also i would like a rough estimate of what you think it would be worth if it were finished. Use your imagination to see it complete.

Oh yeah, have some eye candy.

It's slightly same-y. But how can I blame you for that, there are 20 different joints(40 if should you include Force and Relax)

The textures themselves look alright.

If it were to sell, I would estimate a sale price of around the 60000 mark. Possibly more.
Echomarine 4 the win
Awesome set, agreed with xenmas

Sell it for much :o

But edit the Joints on the back,mabye put in some lil lights, but awesome anyways :o
Yeah like small red lights or something. I would but im not too great at lights...If anyone could give me a tip on how to then that would be very helpful.