Original Post
[Request] Unique Void-Acid Set 100k+
hello guys and.. other guys.. i wanna make a request

so here my details.

colours : main:void second:acid

and a little rly a little little bit elf

style. it must be unique and awsome and made for this request.

and my last wish under the feet must stay "PWN"

so guys let me see what you can.. (i will pay to 200k)
Last edited by Monobi; Oct 14, 2009 at 11:38 PM. Reason: To help browsers.
na dont have elf relax.. wanna have void and acid.. ok can you do other.. its to acid flash .. and some tribalish were cool too but must wait for other sets
Keep working means "should i continue making this set ? "
u didn't answer to that question , and your last sentence had no sense.
hmm , i didn't really understand but i think i see what you mean.
i was thinking of doing another one , anyway.