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[REL] Parkour_Monkey_Madness
Just a fun and thoughtless mod I slowly puzzled together when bored these last couple of weeks.
The only parameters I set out to work with was that I wanted to work with "wood" and I wanted it to be wild. That later developed into a climbing focused parkour mod with only straight angles which I thought looked kinda neat.


128 objects, 16 non-static
An objective (getting to the top, should be very hard without grabbing)
Intermediate/Expert level challenge
6 magical items with whacky and possibly helpful properties, either hidden or hard to reach



Have fun, let me know what you think and happy holidays!
Attached Files
parkour_monkey_madness.tbm (33.0 KB, 100 views)
Nice mod but i already knew of it. It looks like a bunch of objects thrown into each other but its well though and not random. Everything is well sized and not too far or near each other and the colors look good. Good job and happy holidays too.
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