Original Post
Quick Question about selling textures
So, as I have committed to be more active on the forums, I've decided that I want to sell textures but while reading the rules

This interested me:

  • C) Do not attempt to sell, or pay with items or Toricredits that are not in the inventory of the account that is posting. No; "It's in a bank account". This also covers the sale of items currently in the market.

Because lets say, I want to sell 512 head textures but only have a only bought a 128 head, would I need to buy the higher rez head first before I could sell the better textures?

Im mainly asking this because I like to browse through really old posts, and I found that someone got in trouble for this (Selling a 512 tex when they had not bought the item itself)

/off topic
I kinda want to apologize for maybe posting similar things in the future, to many times I've had people just say "Use common sense", then I get in trouble, so I want to make sure I understand the rules correctly

/even more off topic
Is it possible to just write in pure Html? Its easier for me
<? // Nope thing to see here ?>
I you want to sell the art, you don't need to buy a 512 head texture item. You can just save the 512 head texture art you make in .tga format and preview it in Toribash using the /lp command.
(Put the art in a folder inside the custom folder(ex. Toribash v*.**>custom>Folder name) then open up Toribash do /lp Folder Name. Take screenshots from there.)
If you plan on selling the 512 head texture item itself, then yes, you would need to buy it.

Hope that clears up your questions.